Fractionation seduction technique use at your own risk. Lateral thinking term was coined by edward debono in 1967 and is about how we perceive or. Though the question is presented as a binary choiceone option or the otherwhen you disregard the assumption that you must act immediately, the best answer becomes obvious. Fractionation seduction makes it easy for you to create this emotional bond, allowing her to open up to you in the process, and eventually. A person uses lateral thinking to move from one known idea to new ideas. Lateral thinking has to be distinguished from critical thinking. It was first written up in a book called the use of lateral thinking jonathan cape, london new think basic books, new york the two titles refer to the same book. It extends throughout the entire length of the spinal cord, and on transverse section appears as an oval area in front of the posterior column and medial to the posterior spinocerebellar tract. Aug 02, 2000 the fieldflow fractionation handbook has become an extremely helpful tool and reference for our laboratory recently. Its central to his patented shogun method system of dating and seduction fractionation and shogun method as a whole is designed for men who want total control over their lives, their women and their relationships. Existing ideas and patterns of thought can make it very difficult to think of new ideas and approaches. Fractionation is an advanced conversational seduction technique which should only be attempted by the ethical.
There are two fresh sets of fractionation routines which you can download by clicking here. Youve just been introduced to fractionation and how it makes women feel addicted to you. For example, it is logical to think about jumping up to reach the railing, and to help a person do that. To the right of it radiate lines representing possible solutions to the problem. Brainstorming, lateral thinking, mind mapping, using the internet and software tools. Lateral thinking involves breaking away from traditional modes of thinking and discarding established patterns and preconceived notions. After building the case that creativity can be taught, lateral thinking introduces 16 specific creativity techniques, among them reversal, fractionation, brainstorming, analogies, and random stimulation. For e xample if the subject is the design of an apple picking machine. Lateral thinking, remember, is moving away from the usual logic and linear line of reasoning. Often, just realizing that this should be done is enough to find a good. A more creative or lateral approach would be to question the logic of using people.
Lateral thinking is solving problems by an indirect and creative approach, typically through viewing the problem in a new and unusual light. Today i will try to draw an analogy between the lateral thinking and personal. Do a find someone who with the questions and answers. Fairweather, a professional hypnotist whom i had gotten to know through the mkdelta group. This in fact is a double edged weapon if used alone, because, while lateral thinking could give way to novel design proposals that increase the ingenuity of the design, yet proposals could be somehow sporadic. How to apply lateral thinking to your creative work. Fractionation is a technique developed and popularized by derek rake. It is as definite a way of using the mind as logical thinking a but a very different way. The first set is what known as locational fractionation which you can use in combination with regular verbal fractionation which will create an illusion of familiarity with you. Heres an example problem see if you can get to the answer typically, the. Lateral thinking is closely related to insight, creativity and humour. Often, just realizing that this should be done is enough to find a good solution getting out of the old approachold approach. But whereas insight, creativity and humour can only be prayed for, lateral thinking is a more deliberate process.
Fractionation seduction makes it easy for you to create this emotional bond, allowing. A way of understanding lateral thinking is through its opposite, vertical thinking. Ive heard about fractionation and it interested me, so i read up on the subject. This particular type of fractionation might have led on to the idea of growing the. Lateral thinking is the mental process of generating ideas and solving problems by looking at a situation or problem from a unique perspective. Realistic lateral thinking problems articles factory. Critical thinking is primarily concerned with judging the true value of statements and seeking errors whereas lateral thinking focuses more on the movement value of statements and ideas. Improving these skills can be challenging as lateral thinking comes more naturally to some people than others. As mentioned before, fractionation was invented kind of by accident. This lesson is going to cover a scenario where using lateral thinking would be important. Whether youve loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. A board about lateral thinking would not be complete without this book.
Through the use of literalization, an abstract of figurative word or phrase can be taken at face value to create a new way of looking at a problem e. The art of solving problems lateral thinking gonzales. The knife, for example, might be used more conventionally to cut strips from the clothing and webbing from the life jacket to make a rope not a bad idea either. Lateral thinking exercises these lateral puzzles have divided into cells, so that you can. It is the ability to think creatively or outside the box. However, like everything else, practice makes perfect, and setting yourself lateral thinking examples can help. Do you have more examples of fractionation lines you can share.
What is an example of the use of lateral thinking in the. A vertical thinker is analytical, careful and precise, taking the data around a. For example, if a production line produced books per hour, lateral thinking may suggest that a drop in output to 800 would lead to higher quality, and more motivated workers. Lateral thinking isnt something which is usually discussed, not in secondary education or anywhere that ive noticed to be honest.
What is supplied is supplied more as an example than as anything else. If you are still not clear, here are the 6 top classic examples of exactly how lateral thinking works. Direct teaching of thinking as a skill cort cognitive research trust thinking. Dan did not bounce the ball off of a wall or any other object, and no strings or other items were attached to the. What is lateral thinking and what is an example of it. For example, if a production line produced books per hour, creative problem solving could find ways to. How to become a better lateral thinker or what i learned from. Without lateral thinking, companies cant innovate and create new products theyre just stuck with doing the same old thing, perhaps more efficiently.
His book on lateral thinking may be one of the best books i have read to help. Jul 06, 2016 the tale of two pebbles many years ago in a small indian village, a farmer had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to a village moneylender. In brief, lateral thinking involves looking at problem from a different angle. Lateral thinking, then, is sometimes about using what you have in unexpected ways.
This in fact is a double edged weapon if used alone, because, while lateral thinking could give way to novel design proposals that increase the ingenuity of. A vertical thinker is analytical, careful and precise, taking the data around a problem and. Lateral thinking technique santa barbara city college. Lateral thinking is the ability to use your imagination to look at a problem in a fresh way and come up. Puzzles of this type are good mental exercise, and fun, but fortunately not all lateral thinking problems are word play or simple riddles. As our main focus is fieldflow fractionation coupled with multiangle static light. Fractionation, reversal, analogies and random provocation are simple to apply and beneficial, especially while wearing the white and green hats. The most elegant solution presents itself when you approach the problem sideways, rather than answering it headon. Fractionation has the power to rewire a womans way of seeing the world use it responsibly. The classic work about improving creativity from worldrenowned w. The amount of material supplied in this book is very limited. To start a concept fan, draw a circle on a large piece of paper a3 paper or white board, just right of centre.
Firstly, a brief about the concept of lateral thinking to distinctly. This book gives am idea on what lateral thinking is, how it alongside vertical thinking is the most deadliest tool an individual can have in solving any problem. He coined the term lateral thinking that is now commonplace. His lateral thinking tools are based directly on how the brain functions as a selforganizing information system. There are plenty of practical examples and exercises. The lateral thinking approach encouraged divergent thinking and its proposals were not bound by a single theme. Put on your six thinking hats and brainstormthe triz journal. What are some interesting stories that involve lateral thinking. Lateral thinking techniques performance excellence. Dan threw a tennis ball so that it travelled a short distance, stopped, and then reversed direction and returned to his hand. Now, as powerful as fractionation is, its only one technique under the discipline of mind control. Drop that assumption and you might find the solution the man used a book of matches to burn all the other books. He is the inventor of the phrase lateral thinking which is now in the oxford english dictionary. How we used lateral thinking to generate ideas greyb.
Lateral thinking is a manner of solving problems using an indirect and creative approach via. He is widely regarded as the leading authority in the direct teaching of thinking as a skill. Lateral thinking is a manner of solving problems using an indirect and creative approach via reasoning that is not immediately obvious. I assure you that the method described in the book of bono remains more relevant than ever. Almost half a century after its first publication, this introduction to the concept of lateral thinking, focuses on exposing several concepts associated with that main concept developed by the author, as well as mentioning several examples from famous characters or inventions where the generation of new ideas were the result of moving away from the rigidity of traditional logical thinking or.
Lateral thinking vertical thinking is sticking with the current approach being rigidapproach, being rigid. The condition of students actually wants learning that requires the use of their thinking to solve problems with diverse solutions. Sep 10, 2014 however, when you unwrap all of its buzzwords and euphemisms, history shows that creative breakthroughs all have one thing in common. The first practical explanation of how creativity works, this resultsoriented bestseller trains listeners to move beyond a vertical mode of thought to tap the potential of lateral thinking. Lateral thinking is coming at a problem from a different perhaps nonstandard direction. A productive, efficiently run meeting can save thousands of dollars, create new ideas that help a company achieve financial success, solve major problems, and foster an atmosphere that motivates individuals. He originated the concept of lateral thinking and developed formal techniques for deliberate.
T he answer to this puzzle is an example of what psychologists call lateral thinking. Lateral thinking, a term coined in 1967 by edward debono, and outlined in a book of the same name, is a solutionoriented set of techniques which aim to reframe a problem by highlighting new associations and relationships that may not be clear when a problem is approached through vertical problem solving. L et me first tell you a story about this chance discovery made by my friend dr j. How to improve your lateral thinking skills mind mapping can be a great way to improve your lateral thinking skills. Author of 62 books in 47 languages originator of the following. Since then, he has written around 40 books on creativity and thinking. Lateral thinking is a technique where you vere from the normal or linear straight path way of problem solving to a nonlinear or lateral thinking. This breaks old habits and forces us to invent new ways of looking at solutions. Lateral thinking is the ability to use your imagination to look at a problem in a fresh way and come up with a new solution. For four decades, he has taught lateral thinking via his books, articles, lectures and consulting. Fractionation, another lateral thinking technique involves breaking down any situation into parts and then trying to reassemble the parts in a different way.
Aug 16, 2017 lateral thinking can also be achieved by distorting the facts, minimizing or maximizing, as required, to provide a fresh perspective on a problem or situation. This book is the most frequent used piece of literature in our daily work in our fieldflow fractionation laboratory at postnova analytics. Normally, part of fractionation seduction is the use of body language and the use of hypnosis to subtly form an emotional connection with a woman. Concept generation in the architectural design process. Without lateral thinking, companies cant innovate and create new products theyre just stuck with doing the same old thing, perhaps more efficiently than before, but they wont be able to lead the way.
There are so many useful exercises to help you develop lateral thinking habits, which help to improve general creativity. A worldrenowned writer and philosopher, he is the leading authority in the field of creative thinking and the direct teaching of thinking as a skill. Real life lateral thinking problems increase brainpower. Fractionation is the idea of breaking down a problem, design or. Fold the puzzles, so that students have to unfold them to find the correct answers. It seems that few have understood the book when it appeared more than forty years ago. This book and its concepts should be introduced in our primary education system and kids should be taught to inculcate lateral thinking in heir day by day world. The divisions do not have to be equal, nor do they have to cover the whole of the situation, and it is acceptable if there is considerable overlap.
Lateral thinking i invented the term lateral thinking in 1967. How to apply lateral thinking to your creative work adobe 99u. He thought that lateral thinking could be an insight tool for solving problems. In the first chapter of the booklet, the author introduces the idea of lateral thinking and defines it as a concept. Fractionation no matter how hard it may appear to crack a bundle of sticks, the same. It can be extremely difficult to break out of strong patterns that the brain is used to. Fractionation how to attract women with mind control. See more ideas about lateral thinking, six thinking hats and creative thinking. I like the idea of pushing and pulling the girl with intense emotions and wanted to hear whether seddit had anything to say about it. Direct teaching of thinking as a skill cort cognitive research trust thinking programme lateral thinking 1967 parallel thinking 1985 six thinking hats 1985 3. This simple riddle or lateral thinking puzzle relies on the idea of a librarian and never read to encourage you assume that it is all about the kinds of books you read.
The purpose of fractionation is to create alternative perceptions of problems and solutions by taking the commonplace. Mar 27, 2014 the truth that fractionation is a pretty common technique, and we see it everywhere, so when we go over some of the more common fractionation seduction examples youll likely recognize a few. The second set is a specialized fractionation sequence which you can use to rekindle an old romance or get an exgirlfriend back. That lateral thinking will often lead to problems that you never knew you had, or it will solve simple problems that have a huge potential. For many years now this has been acknowledged in the oxford english dictionary which is the final arbiter. Along the way, youll learn several lateral thinking techniques that can help you solve complex problems.
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